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goo Dictionary


English Language Education Blog

November 10, 2004

I think that one of the reasons why I have not been posting to my blog at "" all that much is because the  site is in Japanese. I have created an English version of my blog in the hope that I will write more. Until now I had been using a category in my Japanese language blog for English language articles. I never felt that there would be many English speaking visitors however, since the banner and side bars remained in Japanese. 

The beauty of Movable Type -- the software used to create this site -- is that, I can make as many web sites as a I like with a few clicks. This is biggest reason why I can't see myself moving to one of the other similar software packages available.

I will now pull those few articles that I wrote in English over to this site from the Japanese sister, and delete the English Language category. It seems that blog names can differ by as little as a capital letter, so for the time being (until I create some terrible mistakes) the English language version of will be called Eigodaiku. Inventive huh.

Posted by timtak at November 10, 2004 02:00 PM