Ask your partner the following questions. Always ask and answer questions using a sentence. Always ask follow up questions.

1)      Have you ever spoken to a non-Japanese in English?

‡@       Who have you spoken to?

‡A       Why havenft you spoken to a non-Japanese in English?

2)      Would you like to speak to someone in English?

‡@       Why would you like to speak to someone in English?

‡A       Why do you want to improve your English?

3)      Would you speak to someone in Japanese too?

4)      What nationality of person would you like to speak to?

‡@       Why would you like to speak to an American?

‡A       Why donft you mind what nationality of person you speak to?

5)      What would you like to talk about?

‡@       Why do you want to talk about music?

‡A       Do you talk about music with your friends?

6)      What kind of personality do you have?

7)      Are you generous?

‡@       What makes you say that?

8)      Are you serious?

‡@       What makes you say that?

9)      Are you gentle?

10)  What information do you want to exchange with your pen-pal?

11)  How often will you be able to write an email to your pen pal?

12)  Will you be happy to teach your pen pal Japanese?