Gender Bending in Lacan

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ラカンに於ける異性化 盗まれた手紙について, 盗まれた手紙の中で,ラカンは幼児的主体が象徴界に入り,言語的な自己意識,自我を持つようになる過程を説明しようとしている。この極めて難解な文学分析の詳しいところまで追求しなくても,ラカンは言語的自己意識持つようになることは男性の主体性を女性化する事を含むと論じている。ラカンの図式において,幼児は主に母から言語を学ぶ。故に自我の根元となる記号は母からもらった(あるいは「盗まれた」)ものである事であるが指摘されている。母は言葉を教えた役割であって,言葉はもともと母のものであっただけではなく,幼児が学ぶ最小の言葉は母に向けてた最初は母宛ての泣き,後は「母ちゃん」に発展する。そこで,幼児は母のことばをもって,自己言及するようになるところで主体が母宛の言葉を自らに宛てようとし,母の果たした発話者の役割を持つようになるのである。その名前,「太郎」と呼ばれた主体が,母が所有した記号である「太郎」を自分が使うものにして,発言し出すと,話し手は母から,子供に移る。母がいない時でも,「太郎」と声を懸けてくれたの役割は幼児は単独で,独り言として発言するようになる。それは盗まれた手紙の中で,女王の手紙を結んだ大臣は,その手紙の宛て名を書き換えて自分に向けて,そして送り手=発話者が女性であって,その手書きは女性のものであることが注目されている。 Il est significative que la lettre qu’en somme le ministre addresse a lui meme, soit la lettre s’une femme. そのように,母=女王の記号をもって,自分の手でフィクショナルな女性を真似て自分に向けて贈る幼児=大臣は女性の役割を持つことで,女性化されることも注目されている。 大臣はont cerne des traits de virilite, degage quand il appartait ; l’odor di femina la plus singuliere. つまり,大臣は次第に,自分が盗んだ女王に似てくる。手紙は le transforme de plus en plus l’image de celle qui l’a offerte (女王) ラカンはこのプロセスを女装として表現している。言葉をもって,言葉(手紙)を宛てられたのは女王役割であったので,それを盗む=自文単独のものにする大臣(幼児)は女王の役割をはしているから, il faut se revetir er jusqua l’attributs de la femme et de le ombre, si propice a l’acte de cacher.41 そこで,言葉を自分のものにした大臣はその神話の主人公のように,ナルキッソス的になっった。 la relation narcisstique ou se trouve le ministre. その女性化は記号を持つようになることによって引き起こされる。


Seminar 2 in order to be in the same position vis à vis the letter as the Queen was, an essentially feminine position, the minister falls prey to the same trick as she did. 202 Not only has he become feminised through his possession of the letter, but the letter. whose relation to the unconscious I have already told you.


JS Lee The one that is sought in love is really one’s own unity, forever lost as a result of primal repression, Whatever the lover seeks in his beloved is nothing else that his own integrity towards another part of himself.177

At the heart of this account is Lacan’s claim that the soul emerges as a theme in Western Philosophy precisely as a substitute for the woman who does not exist.182

“...the soul is conjured out of what is homosexual, as is perfectly legible from history.”182

Seminars of Jacques Lacan Bk1

mysterious resistance. a repulsion...111

It is ones own ego that one loves in love, ones own ego model made real on the imaginary level.142

Recall Werhter meeting Charlotte just when she is holding a child in her arms - that hits the bulls eye of the narcissistic image of the young hero.

178 odd or even game = mimcry Poe “ an identification of the reasoner’s intellect with that of his opponent” At first glance it is simply a matter of psychological penetration, a kind of ego miming.

199 Now this is a curious relation to oneself. The letter undergoes, and at the same time it enters into a narcissistic relation since it is now addresses in this sophisticated feminine hand, and bears his own seal. It is a sort of love letter he has sent himself.

seminar 3 the Freudian discovery teaches us that all natural harmony is profoundly disconcerted. It is not just that bisexuality plays an essential role. This bisexuality is not surprising from the biological point of view, given the fact that the means of access to the regularisation and normalisation in man are more complex and different from that which we observe in mammals. symbolisation plays an essential role here. 83

96(opd) In order for the human being to be able to establish the most natural of relations, that between male and female, a third party is necessary to intervene, one that is the image of something successful. the model of harmony. This does not go far enough there has to be a law, a chain, a symbolic order, the intervention of the order of speech that is of the father. Not the natural father., but what is called the father, the order that prevents the collision of the situation as a whole is founded on this law of the father.

One of the sexes is obliged to take the image of the other sex as the basis for its identification. 176

253 In the middle ages a distinction was drawn between what was drawn between what was called the physical theory and the essential theory of love. this is the way the question of the subject enters into the relation to the absolute Other was raised. Let us say that in order to understand the psychoses we have to make the love relation with the other qua other, and the mirror situation, everything of the order of the imaginary animus and anima, which is located according to the sexes at one or other of the places, overlap in our little schema. 253

Lacan and Language - A reader's guide to the Ecrits.

Not necessarily a mirror The recognition of the subject of his [own] image in the mirror is a phenomenon that for the analyst of this stage [of development] is significant for two reasons: the phenomenon appears after six months, and the study of it at that moment reveals in demonstrative fashion the tendencies that then constitute the reality of the subject; the mirror stage, by reason of these affinities, offers a conventional symbol of this reality: of affective valence (illusory like the image) and its structure as a reflection from a human form [1938, p.10] 30

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